Here you have the important dates of the month.
October 31st - Halloween!
That day, you can bring something to eat, drink and share!
We'll play games, learn about Halloween and dance.
November 5th - Trinity exams
Exams are here, just round the corner.
Revise from your folder and practise with your mum or dad.
Time is very important! Practise your descriptions using the Voki widget installed in this page.
November 7th to November 14th
Yep. More exams. But these are the last ones, I promise!
You can use the material I showed you in class which you can find in this page. Use your folder, and revise, revise and revise some more. If you have any questions, you can ask me in class.
December 30th - Term closes!
We'll still be learning up to December 30th. After that, term closes and we're free!
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